
Friendly folks with experience in early stage impact investing and disability inclusion

Arun Gore

has a background in mobile telecommunications, international supply chain and financial consulting. He has 35+ years of experience in the United States, Asia, Africa and the Middle East, including serving as a member of executive team at T-Mobile USA as Chief Financial Officer of Cook Inlet T-Mobile. In 2008, he moved to Atlanta as CEO of Gray Ghost operations and served as Director in various firms.

Shashaank Awasthi

has 27+ years of experience in financial services at ABN AMRO Bank NV and Gray Ghost Ventures and 12 years+ in disability inclusion as Co-founder of v-shesh, a company recognised with a National Award from the President of India. Shashaank has served on the committee for formulation of the inclusive education policy at India’s National Institute of Open Schooling and has contributed to reports commissioned by BII, JICA and an MFI in Cambodia.